
WLAG Timeless Radio

WLAG TIMELESS RADIO has a simple purpose; to take our listeners on a nostalgic journey to the past via music. The “Good Ole Days” as we so often call them.

Established in 2018, DJ Lyris created this platform in remembrance of my father. Growing up, music could always be heard permeating the halls of her home, and this station allows her to share the love of music she grew up with, with the people.


Remember the days of creating a time capsule with all the items that had meaning to you at that particular point in time? Well that’s what WLAG Timeless Radio is, a musical time capsule that features all the classic timeless music of the past. All the music that holds those precious nostalgic memories can be found in one of WLAG Timeless Music Capusles.

What They Say About Us

I absolutely love WLAG Timeless Radio! I grew up in the 80s and the music played on this station is a flashback of when music was so pure! I honestly I’ve come across a station that plays so many classics back to back! I joined the Soul Family community and feel like everyone is someone I know and some period of my life!

— Krystal

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